Sunday, April 1, 2007

You know you are having a good time when.....

  • ....Your companion tells you there's a twinkle in your eye.
  • ....The days pass by and the date on the calendar seems 2 days ahead coz u dont know where (in good lord's name!!!) the time went.
  • ....The day begins with the thought of .. So what be the plan today???
  • ....When the thought of leaving gives you a queasy feeling.
  • ....The TV seems like an unnecessary noise.
  • ....Heat. Oncoming CFA exam. Accomodation Blues. Delayed formalities. Nothing can ruffle your calm.
  • ...You blog about "You know you are having a good time when...." ;)


Abhy said...


Ananya said...

hmmm... well u boy better start bloggin in fulll form now. Maybe u can continue your Abhy in Euope blog [;)]

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